About: At Appalachian State University, Corinne has previously served as coordinator of academic initiatives, where she was instrumental in growing the university’s Residential Learning Community programs to help bridge the gap between the in- and out-of-classroom experience for Appalachian students. After taking a short stint away from education to work in health care management and to be closer to family in Idaho, Corinne returned to Boone, NC in 2015 and has played an important role in growing CAP's program and grant portfolio. She is published in 3 scholarly journals. Corinne is a 2016 graduate of the North Carolina Education Policy Fellowship Program and current co-coordinator of the program in partnership with the NC Public School Forum. She lives in Blowing Rock, NC with her husband, son, and two cats, where they enjoy hosting families from all over the world in their successful Airbnb business.
Education: B.S. in physical education from Missouri State University (2005) | M.S. in college student personnel from Arkansas Tech University (2009)
Accolades: Grants Funded: GEAR UP, September 2020, $29.8 million; Education, Innovation, & Research (EIR), December 2020, $12 million; On Ramp Appalachia- Rural Postsecondary Economic Development (RPED) grant, January 2024, $2.2 million. Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP) graduate, 2016. Chancellor's Academic Leadership Development Program (ALDP) graduate, 2018. Hunt Institute Elevate NC graduate, 2023.
Professional Organizations: National Council for Community and Education Partnerships (NCCEP), National College Attainment Network (NCAN), Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL), American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Leadership Roles: Coordinator, Education Policy Fellowship Program

Title: Director, GEAR UP and, Deputy Director of College Access Partnerships
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6041